99 Rules, Part 21

For those of you unfamiliar with my former self, I was Jim Johnson. I spent about 3 years developing electronic status with that avatar. I wrote on akingscastle, a "redpill" site dedicated to masculine fatherhood. The problem was, the owners of the site did too little to regulate the shitposting and trolls. You would spend a couple hours of valuable time writing articles, only to have it completely ignored or trolled. Because of an old promise to not regulate the dialogue, the site became nothing more than a dumping ground of toilet humor.

At first, I thought maybe I could contribute to Jynx's site, but then thinking about it, I do most of the writing. I should get the authority on who or what is going on here. This is why I am breaking off. Too much grapefruit, too much open mocking of families and the message we are trying to get across. I understand the comment count will go way down, but so be it. I want a blog that will hopefully change lives for the better. If someone stops using porn, if someone's marriage is saved, if someone's kid stays on the right track because someone decided to spend a little more one-on-one time with them, I feel this will be worth it.

That being said, here is a continuation of the series I was working on at AKC

21. Invest in great luggage. 

 I haven't used proper luggage since I served a mission in Ireland. Maybe that is a major character flaw of mine, but I just don't see the point. Unless you are taking a suit and dress shirts with you. We do have a couple pieces of special luggage for our Sunday clothes however. Butfor the kids, we just use duffel bags or whatever is handy. It isn't like we are worried about keeping the creases in their trousers nice when we are camping and they are playing in the mud.

