Intelligent Women

There is this argument about what guys find attractive in women. Many feminist types say men are "intimidated" by intelligent women. They say men want a bubbly, dumb, woman who only knows how to cook and clean. While I cannot speak for all men, I would say there is nothing about being around an intelligent woman that is "intimidating" and therefore a turnoff. The problem is, not "intelligence", it is the personality of one who thinks they are.

First off, going to college and getting an advanced degree does not mean intelligent. Intelligence as defined by Webster is "the ABILITY to learn or understand, or to deal with new or trying situations". It does not mean having a vast knowledge in college political science or other common degree commonly obtained by women, neither does it mean to have a successful career.

Colleges are for the most part, very slanted in liberal politics. This thinking is very communal in its approach to the individual. At this time, white Christian men are the bottom of the barrel in the social hierarchy. Any minority, woman, or other protected class who follows liberal ideology has a disdain for the traditional working men. Even white male liberals are self-flagellating in their behavior. If a woman spent years in college listening to this lop-sided mantra, they start to believe it, and develop a disdain for those they want to ask them out. It is not so much the education we find unattractive, it is the unpleasant, snarky attitude women project as a result of years of indoctrination.

Women with successful careers may not have as bad of an attitude (although they often do), but they do show a misplaced set of priorities. Most "good men" spend their early 20's trying to get ahead in school without debt in the hopes of fulfilling their role in life with a good mother who will fulfill her role in life. A woman who focuses her 20's on her career is showing that her priorities are elsewhere, so the "good man" will look for women whose priorities line up more with his. Her career is not intimidating, it is not even necessary if his earning is enough to support the whole family. Her career cost her valuable child rearing years which he wants for the mother of his children. Her career demonstrated a mismatch in priority.

Feminism has worked to destroy the natural Yin and Yang between the sexes. Her "intelligence" as demonstrated by her degree and career actually shows a lack of intelligence. She ignores natural biology and instead listens to the common mantra of society and just keeps going along in the public education conveyor belt. Her lack of intelligence shows with her snarky, competitive attitude she projects to the men around her. What successful man would want to come home after a long day of competing in the work force, only to compete with the wife on every detail? Do I really want to have to argue about creamy or crunchy peanut butter? Do I want to be pointed out every time I misspeak when we both know what I was talking about? A woman should bring comfort and joy into a man's life. If she does not bring a net asset (minus the financial costs, time costs, freedom costs), he will not be interested in a long term relationship.

Intelligent is not the same as old, bossy, feminist, or annoying.

