Tyranny Of The Weak - By Jim Johnson

For about 140 years now, we have lived in a civil society. For good and bad, we have been able to call upon the police or some other government institution to protect us from any injustice. Prior to about the 1880's, a person had to defend themselves against any minor injustice. Only the most outrageous violent crimes would be delegated to the police to obtain justice. In some regions of the world, this is still the case. While not a very pleasant society, it does have the attribute, that only the strong prospers. The weak have to run an hide, and the strong have to continually prove their strength to any competitors.

Evolutionarily, this makes sense. The strong are able to build more, create more wealth, and therefore have more access to procreate. 5000 years ago, this was the way it worked, and people lived and accepted it. A strong farmer could have a larger flock of sheep than a weaker one, and so could afford two wives.  With the onset of the industrial revolution in the 1800's, machines replaced slaves, and those who had a little more strength and intelligence could multiply their advantages over the weak. Fairly soon, millionaires like the Rothchilds and the Carnegies began to pop up. Lower class people soon began to notice the indiscrepancies, and were getting angry. Even though the wealth of the lower class was greater than it ever had been, the wealthy class increased exponentially, and took the most desirable breeding stock with them.

About this time, (mid 1800's) Karl Marx wrote about this. He prayed upon the hatred of the weaker and less intelligent class, to create a philosophy of state sanctioned thievery, to use the violent power of the state to "redistribute" this wealth produced by the stronger to the weaker.

Tragically. this idea was carried to it's full extent in Russia in the 1900's. It has been tried in China, Mongolia, North Korea, Vietnam, and a host of other countries. Similar variants have been tried across Europe and threads of this covetousness has made it's way into the law books in every nation in the world.

When weaker individuals use the power of the state to subject the stronger, working class to their whim, it creates a situation where more and more people become involved in this race to the bottom to be the most "oppressed", to claim victimhood status in any minute discretion they can think up.
When legitimate acts cannot be found, they will go to lengths to create victimhood status among themselves (ie. "alternative lifestyles") Couple this with the economic failures of socialism, and it will lead to an inevitable collapse and eventual ruling by those societies that foster ruling by the strong. Only this time, the strong will be from another society in which they will not care for or show mercy how the strong Christians of the past did.

