Coaching Services - By Jared

On Men Who Offer Life Coaching Services

Content creators in the manosphere need to support themselves through their work if they intend to do that work full time. No shame in that game. One way these content creators have been able to monetize their time in the manosphere is to offer life coaching services to readers/watchers. My question is, “What qualifies someone to be a life coach?”

Some of the guys offering coaching services are impressive, accomplished men. There’s no doubt that these men have much wisdom to impart. Most men need a mentor in some capacity. Perhaps their life coaching services are essentially mentorship sessions.

When I think of a coach, I think of a man who has a definite skill in imparting wisdom that the receiver can use to better his life or skill set. Do these red pill life coaches have that skill? What qualifies someone to impart their wisdom? Is it up to the receiver to retrieve the wisdom?

It’s equally important to know how much these life coaches struggled to achieve what they have achieved. Every businessman struggles to some extent. Even the Ivy League alumni sons of the wealthy elite struggle in business. Donald Trump struggled too. That’s not enough. If you want coaching from a businessman you want that businessman to have learned things the hard way. You want him to have started from the bottom and worked his way up through years of trial & error and dedication.

Did these red pill life coaches go through those sorts of transformations? Did they somehow get most things right the first time? Or did they learn the hard way?

I hope these content creators are able to support themselves financially. I even hope they can support a family by creating for the manosphere. But I also hope the men who need help can discern who is able to help them and who isn’t. Here’s the truth; only you can ultimately help yourself. Someone may be able to guide, but nobody can provide some magic wisdom that solves your problems. You’ll have to do that the hard way. Hopefully, you won’t lose too much money in the process. 

