Ideal Government - National Capitalism

When people ask my what my political leanings are, I used to say "Conservative". This term has been muddied in the past decades. For instance Bush Jr. called himself a Conservative, and yet he increased spending to atrocious levels with programs like the prescription drug handout. He put the needs of other countries above our own with the war in the Middle East, and he decreased freedom within the country with the expansion of the Federal Educational System, and Homeland Security. For what he did bad, I can guarantee you that he did better than the socialist like Al Gore or Kerry would have been.
Hitler was a Nationalist, but he was also a Socialist. Yes, he put the needs of his own country above the needs of his neighbors (to put it lightly), but he also massively expanded government and restricted freedom within his own country. From everything to curbing free speech, controlling gun ownership, and creating state owned/controlled business, he was a socialist. The socialist model does not create wealth. Instead, they need to create a slave/master society (oppressor/oppressed), or obtain wealth through conquest, Genghis Khan Style. It is not a stable system, neither will it go along with human nature and instill happiness among it's citizens.
The Libertarians have made themselves known as of lately. Their idea is to reduce government to the bare necessities and let people govern themselves. While it would work in practice, since we have safety nets (welfare, Social Security, etc.) people do not govern themselves. The old adage (If all governments were ran by angels, we would not need a constitution, If all men were angels, we would not need governments) rings true. People are not angels, and what a person does affects others. Personally, I would love a libertarian society, but I am a realist, and I know it cannot happen. Countries like Angola which are pretty much anarchy, still have a set of rules to live by, but those rules are dictated by the local thugs.
I am a capitalist. I believe in the free exchange of goods, in being given the freedom to pursue your line of work. Capitalism has proven to be the best economic system for generating wealth and freedom. We were very close to the ideal early in our Nation's founding, but we have gotten off track. Wealthy men like Rockefeller and others used their influence to change the political system to the benefit of a few people. We continue to see it today with policies like Obamacare mandating that everyone buys health insurance, benefiting insurance companies, or money being funneled to so called scientists if they repeat the political narrative. This is not capitalism, neither is it honest. Socialists will point to this bastardized form of capitalism and lambaste how bad it is. The thing is the level of corruption is directly proportional to the amount the government is involved. They never seem to talk about the level of corruption in Socialist States.
I am also a Nationalist. My own country comes first, my race and my religion come first. That does not give me the right to attack and kill others (unless threatened or provoked), but it does mean I have every right to put my own interests above the interest of others. This is where Europeans like Angela Merkle have it wrong. Being a good Christian does not mean I need to bend over and take it in the shorts from people who would rather see me dead. It means I treat them with fairness. If they are raping our women, burning down our Cathederals, and failing to assimilate, we have every right to kick them out. Let them build up their own nation, or don't. Either way, that is their problem to deal with.


Hindsight is 20/20, but I believed as George Bush did that Saddam Hussein was a real threat, I would have handled it more like his father did in the first Gulf War. Go in with overwhelming force, remove the threat or verify that there was none, and get out. 16 years of nation building and cleaning up someone else's mess is not our job.

On the domestic front, remove all illegal aliens. Just because you had a baby within the US does not give you the right to be here. Having a baby does not give a felon mother the right to be out of jail, why is this any different? Deport the parents, and give the kid up for adoption.

Eliminate the Federal Reserve, and go back to the gold standard. If there isn't enough gold, use other commodities to back up the dollar, but back it up with tangible assets. The Federal Banks are making counterfeit money, and charging interest on it.

Amend the Constitution, outlawing congress from spending more money than it takes in. You could proportionally reduce all spending to the breakeven point. If new spending measures are brought up, it would automatically reduce the spending in the other departments. I could write a simple Excel spreadsheet that would do this. The math is not that hard.

