Is your woman a slut?

Several times back in High school, I remember different girls squabbling about one thing or another, and they would call each other sluts.   Here are a few ways to figure out if your mom, wife, sister, daughter, girlfriend, or neighbor is a slut. Since not all sluts are created equal, I am going to use a points based system.

1) Number of previous non-marital sexual partners

0: Subtract 20 points
1-5: = 5*(n-2) = 5n-10
5-20: = 15 + 2 * (n-5) = 2n+5
20+: = 45 + (n-20) =  n+25

This one is the standard bearer for most people. Two is a low number but, the definition for a slut is one who has sex without commitment. I figure a decent person will be in two committed relationships before they die (making a score of zero). As the number increases, the effect of each partner does decrease, but it keeps adding up.

2) Age - Since with age comes experience, this one has a negative correlation. 
0-15 years old: add 10 points
15-20: add 5 points
20-25: 0 points
25-30: subtract 2 points
30+: subtract 3 points

 A 15 year old who has had sex with 3 guys is different than a 45 year old who has been with 3.

3) Lifestyle
Smokes: add 10 points
Drinks: add 5 points
Drugs: 10 points
Tattoos: add 5 points each
Piercing (neglecting the standard set of earrings): 5 points for one body, 10 for multiple
Foul language: add 10 points

Image does mean things, the common slut tells do send out a message of what type of person you are. 

4) Clothing in public
Always modest dresses: Subtract 5
Modest dresses or jeans: 0
Sometimes revealing in public: Add 5
Usually revealing: Add 10
Sometimes illegal (would make a NSFW pic): Add 15

Same as 3.

5) Bedroom behavior
Missionary only: Add 10
Moderately kinky (oral): Subtract 5
Very kinky (toys, anal): 0
Multiple partners: Add 20

You may be surprised that I added 10 for the starfishes out there. If she cannot get excited about sex, there is something wrong with her, and has probably been with a few. If she needs a boost in her behavior to get excited (anal, multiple partners) same thing.

6) Has she ever....

Sex for money/favors: Add 40
Strayed outside your race: Add 20
Had sex with other women: Add 30
One night stand: Add 30
Stripped for public: Add 30
Released sex video: Add 20
Cheated on spouse: Add 100

Using sex to get ahead in life financially, or just for the thrill defines a girl as a slut.

7) Background (one village's slut may not be another)

Extreme Orthodox: Add 10
Good Neighborhood: 0
Typical Neighborhood: Subtract 10
Rough Neighborhood: Subtract 20

A typical today's American woman back in Puritan times would be burned as a witch. (And rightfully so)

8) Number of previous divorces

50 for each equatable divorce (where she treated him fairly)
20 for each kid involved
100 for each divorce rape she committed.

Divorce is bad juju. Stay away from women who do this to their families. 

Example (one of my former classmates at our 10 year reunion):
14 encounters = 2*(14) +5 = 33  (kind guesstimate, probably more, maybe into the hundreds)
28 year old = -2
smokes = 10
drinks = 5
one tattoo = 5
bellybutton ring = 5
sometimes revealing = 5
very kinky = 0 (I have been told)
ONS = 30
rough neighborhood = - 20
Never Married = 0

Score = 71

Taking from Terrence Popp's dick stacking test, take your final score, multiply by 6" (average dick size). If she were pushed off a ledge that high and dies on impact, she is a slut, and should be avoided. My example would be pushed off from 35.5 feet. Possible survival, but doubt it. It would take a brave knight in shining armor to catch her fall. On the other hand, my wife would have to climb out of a hole to get to ground level (which would label her as a prude).

