99 Rules for Men - Part 39

39. Know your way around a kitchen.
I think I wrote about this before. (It was a "Monday Meme" piece) You need to be independent from your wife. Being dependent on her is no position to be in. If you can cook as good as she does, or better, she cannot hold it over your head. It serves as a good way to communicate your personal preferences to food. I enjoy cooking, it is a nice relaxing way to spend time with the kids while actively doing something.

Teach your kids how to cook as well. A four year old can stir the gravy (although you may need to check it periodically so it doesn't burn). Take the time to work with them to learn fractions and applicable chemistry.

I typically cook 2-3 times per week, if my wife has something going on at church, or if I feel like doing it on the weekend. Otherwise, she usually has the food ready about when I get home.

The same goes with the other chores, do it enough that you have the skills, but not so much that you are the workhorse.

