Open Thread - Tomboys

I always kind of liked tomboys. They were these feisty, athletic (so better looking) chicks who were fun to play with. My wife and I will play catch, go hiking or other semi-athletic activities. She has a tomboy personality. One of our earlier dates (where I think she became attracted to me) was cross-country skiing in the Cascade Mountains.

However, when things become serious, I did not want the girl on my team. I do not want a girl fighting fires, in combat roles, or on the police force. They simply cannot handle it and it weakens the team.

A woman can play games of volleyball or whatever in a social setting, and can be pretty fun. However, if she starts trying to act like men, it is a major turnoff. No chewing tobacco, no filthy language, no crass behavior, , no serious body building, no talking about your sexcapades, please.

