Unintended Conseqences of Feminism Part 1

The irony is funny. 200 years ago, everyone had it rougher of course. But, men would spend the bulk of the day building, farming, and working 14 hour days, 6 days per week while the wife stayed at home, performing the cooking, cleaning, and other home maintenance tasks. The husband was providing for her to live day by day with her children. In essence, while men had the "power", it was the men who were essentially living in servitude for the upkeep of their wives and children.

In the early 1900's, the topic of women's suffrage was brought up. Many women opposed this, speculating that giving women the right to vote would be accompanied with the civic duty to be eligible for the draft. Women knew and understood they were getting a sweet deal without responsibility in that department. With help from white knights, women were not given their fair responsibility. Women had a sweet deal.

Time passed on. In the 1960's, the modern feminist era was born. Birth control and abortion allowed women to experiment sexually with the hottest men prior to eventually settling down and raising a family. They could now have a job, or depend on the state for their sustenance. The "I don't need a man" mantra became prominent and divorce became common. 

This sounds great for women. But, with every action, comes a reaction. 

Unintended Consequences of Feminism

First off, the sexual marketplace became very skewed. As premarital sex became acceptable, women stopped pairing off in the traditional fashion.

Traditional Pairing, women (top) could pair off with the guys close to her market value.
This was good for most people, the top tier guys may have a concubine, but in general almost everyone paired off. Only the guys with the lowest market value would be unable to find a wife.

Since the sexual revolution women have been able to have sex with the hottest guys. Their higher libido will enable the women to take advances from men. This leads to a phenomenon called "the 80-20 rule" where most guys are left out during a woman's reproductive years, and only the top tier guys have access to women.

Pairing during women's sexual fertility
This does some things. The average (or below) guys will for some time do all they can to attract women, and in vain suck up to them (white knighting), other guys will simply stop trying to attract a mate and drop out of the market (neck beards). The high status men will have all kinds of variety, and will stop valuing women, or wanting to form a long term relationship with one. After a woman's fertility window is gone, the market looks like this:

Initial pairing (thick) is not the same as "time to settle down with a good man" (thin).

The top tier guys figured out women's nature, and do not want a long term companion, especially with an aging thot. The bottom half of guys later in life now have access to women, but they are now old whores, the leftovers of 10-20 years of immoral behavior. All of those thin lines are "alpha widows". They are women who partied with the high status men, and found they cannot pair with them. having been excited by their early dating life, they will find their husbands dull and disappointing, compared to her normal market value, and especially compared to the high status men that were banging her out in her youth.

This hurts both men and women. Lower status men get damaged goods. Women get lower status men. The only ones who do well in this equation are the highest status men, who get to use women up, but don't have to pay the price.Instead, they will just move on to the next.

