Unintended Consequences of Feminism Part 2

RESPECT was originally done by Otis Redding in a song that made sense. Aretha, simply by being a woman, bastardized the meaning of the song.

Respect goes both ways. I look at images of the 1950's and men had tremendous respect for women, and vice versa. That is, until women demanded more respect, and stopped doing anything to earn it.

Feminists stopped respecting themselves. Very rarely do you hear "I'm not that kind of girl". She isn't distancing herself from being a slut. Nope, if she is turning you down, it is, ""You are not my type" meaning she thinks she is too good for you. They will mark themselves with blue hair, tattoos, ugly piercings. They will compromise their own integrity at frat parties, in what they say, in how they carry themselves. They will be happy to live off welfare.

Moreover, feminists stopped respecting men. You can see it everywhere in the media, in their snotty attitudes online, in their "I can do everything a man can do" trope. Essentially, they are behaving towards men the same way that Veruca Salt behaves toward her daddy. Mostly because those guys put up with it.

"Those guys" stopped respecting themselves and will do what they think will get attention from women. Sure, blue pillers will fake respect in the hopes they will get laid, but when they get friend zoned, played, and scorned, and you see their real attitude. They are not given respect for grovelling (imagine that), and they resent their position, and in turn have no respect for women once all the cards are on the table.

Men who do respect themselves certainly lose their respect for feminists. Enough said.

Reversing the Trend

You can make a person lose respect for you far easier than you can make a person respect you by your actions. The Law of Entropy applies here. Feminism dropped a nuke on the mutual respect couples built up for one another over eons. It will take some time to rebuild that. Respect is earned, not demanded or gifted.

Feminism destroyed respect women had for men. They stopped appreciating a man's role as leader, provider and protector, and yet still demanded those attributes from men. If a guy feels like he is not respected by, he will naturally decrease his respect towards women. No amount of "slut walks" will earn respect. 

On the individual and close personal level, you can rebuild. First start by respecting yourself. Stop with the self-destructive behavior. Work on self-improvement. Do this, and your wife or other close friends will respect you more. As they treat you better, you will treat them better, and respect them more. This can go out into society, but it takes long term trends and shifting attitudes.

Find the women or other men in society that do deserve respect. They are the honest, the hard working, those who give to others. Build relationships with them, help them out. In so doing, you show a healthy respect, not a one-sided groveling like the simps show to unappreciative women.

Once you have respect for yourself and your closest family, broaden that out into society as you are able, but maintain respect for what is closest and most deserving first.

This is feminists thinking they are earning respect.

