Hanging with the Guys

I remember a time when it was a rare thing to be around girls my age. Most every social thing I did was with some other boys in my school. We would go sledding, check out the rock quarry and break stuff, or just hang out, watch movies or play games. Even through high school, it was a rare thing to get some girls to go do stuff, and when those happened, they usually ended up being more reserved, and the guys didn't behave like their old selves. Sure, the flirting and hanging out with girls was fun enough, but it isn't the same. You couldn't talk about farts or cars or shooting critters anymore.

Now, it feels the opposite. It is a rare thing to hang out with the guys. I come home from work, and my wife is cooking dinner and I greet her. We talk about how our day went, what the kids are up to, the evening plans, or stuff like that. I tease with my kids a bit, maybe do something ornery, but it is a rare thing to hang out with the guys. The only guys I really hang out with is in a church setting, and most of them are p-whipped worse than I am.

If I was able to talk to my 14 year old self, my kid self would have a hard time believing that getting sex would be far easier than getting an evening out with the guys, watching Monty Python or tearing up the sage brush.

