Unintended Consequences of Feminism Part 3

I am a bit hesitant to consider the destruction of the family an unintended consequence. Their methodology and things the feminists push seem to all be a direct attack on the family. Everything from gay marriage, to "the wage gap" to "me too" all seem focused on destroying men, relationships, and the family as a whole. "Listen to their actions, not their words" applies here. Nevertheless, I will take their word at face value for the sake of this article.

Feminism has demanded a place in the workforce. What this has one is dropped the demand for labor, so low-skilled labor jobs have stagnated. A man can rarely earn enough for a wife and kids. Hence, you get latch-key kids, a tired and bitchy wife who doesn't want to make dinner, and a larger mortgage because of this second income. Jobs dropped away from manufacturing and industry to service related jobs. So in effect, instead of making dinner for her husband and family, that woman is now making dinner for a number of strangers at the local diner, and is no better off, as her husband who ran a front end loader at a sawmill (which would have supported their family 50 years ago) is now working at a call center, annoying people.  Meanwhile, the kids are farmed out to daycare or school. The only people this benefits are the rich bankers (portrayed in the top cartoon) who have the larger debts to get interest from and the tax collectors.

