Why Feminists Love the Lie

It is rare that I see a happy feminist. They are usually crabby, unpleasant, unloving, and feel cheated even though they have more advantages than most anyone in history. Then, I see some older women who continue to hold onto this ideology despite truth staring them directly in the face. One particular neighbor of mine was about sixty. She divorced her husband, and never had anything good to say about him. Funny thing is, her daughters had little to say bad about him.  It was as though she talked bad about him more so she could justify making her kids grow up without a father. She was unhappy.

For years, I have struggled to understand why they are so mad at men and life in general. They think anything unpleasant in their life is due to the "patriarchy", even though that patriarchy created the world around them and gave them most everything they have. Everything feminism has done has been focused on destroying. They destroy the family unit, they destroy relationships, they destroy the sanctity of women, they destroy the happiness of women (and men).

So, if it is so bad, and it makes people so unhappy, why do they love it so much?

1) Feminism focuses on blaming everything but themselves.

It is so much easier to point fingers and blame others for your misfortune. I do it at times. True repentance is difficult to do. It takes a person who is willing to swallow their pride, admit they're wrong, apologizing, correcting any mistakes, and changing future behavior. People don't like to do this.

A young woman decides to have sex with an exciting bad boy. Instead of repenting, she will point fingers and blame "the patrarchy" or whatever nonsense she thinks will take the blame. A coworker gets passed up for a promotion, she says it is because of sexism, where a decent person would look at it, and work harder for future promotions.

2) Feminism has massive in group preference.

It is an all girls club that misfits see and join to gain acceptance and a sense of purpose. Instead of  joining the glee club or the local charity, they find the feminist protesting more fun. After all, who wants to spend the day knitting blankets for the Africans when they can put on lingerie and march around with  a sign that says, "Proud Slut"?

3) Feminism encourages immoral behavior.

Who doesn't want to do those things? The thing is, if her parents frown on it (for her own good), she can justify her behavior in her own mind by calling them outdated bigots, and following along with the rest of the lemmings.

4) Feminism is taught everywhere.

From an early age, the "bratz" and Disney shows like "Mulan" and others portray this false image of women and men. Unless she grows up under a rock (my wife and I are doing our best to make it that way with our kids), she will be inundated with  feminism propaganda. It is only natural that the most gullible will fall for that line of thinking.

5) Feminism gives women legal and social advantages.

Divorce raping and many other possibilities are open to women now from feminism. The selfish at heart will be attracted to this. Socialist movements like this are powerful when immorality is rampant. It is not surprising that Feminism promotes immorality for women to promote their numbers, but demand morality from men to get to their resources.

6) Feminism appeals to the dark side of humanity.

Selfish people love socialism. Victimhood and pity parties are natural to these people. It is where they are comfortable.

