99 rules for men - Part 43

You may look like an idiot sometimes, but have fun doing it anyways.This guy is far smarter than the countless worker drones out there.

43. It's okay to trade the possibility of your 80s and 90s for more guaranteed fun in your 20s and 30s. 

There is a happy medium here. While I do not think it is wise to do things that will destroy your future or health, you should stop and smell the roses from time to time. 

After graduating high school, I was a little bit of a slow starter. I moved with a high school friend of mine to this apartment in Boise and we had crap jobs. The following year, three of us bought a 12 foot camp trailer and worked for this trailer park, doing landscape maintenance. I was 20 when I decided to go to college, but I took it a little easy. It took me 5 years and a term to get my degree, and a couple of years to save money for college working in a sawmill. It was partially because it was a tough degree, but partially because I didn't take things too seriously in my early twenties. I spent LOTS of time goofing off in the woods, running around and having fun. 

I eventually became serious, went to church, got married, and graduated at 28. My wife graduated at 23 (with a bun in the oven). I noticed I have a lot more fun stories than her. She was serious about life from the start. She went straight from high school to college, went on a mission, and finished up college (already married). I'm glad she took things seriously as far as being a virgin when we married, but she did miss opportunities to goof around that I had. For the last 16 years, I have been working to get her to lighten up a bit and have fun.

Point being, life is a bunch of experiences all rolled up into a ball. Even the hard times are a well meaning part of that tapestry.  Even if you are in your mid 40's with a full time job and kids to take care of, prioritize having fun when you can. Take life seriously, but not too seriously at the same time. And for Pete's sake, limit that TV and computer. Your time is far too valuable to throw away in sedentary activity.

