Old Sluts Part 6

6) Lack of Commitment

Women have a finite amount of attachment available in their lives. The first guy she sleeps with may get a sizable portion of that. Everyone knows who their first love was. However, if that attachment does not work out, she will try to attach to another guy, if that doesn't work out she will try another and another.....

After awhile this ability to pair bond goes away. She has learned to expect relationships to end, and her primal psychology will prepare for that. After all, it is easier to break someone else's heart than to have your own heart broken. If she spent a decade or more on the carousel, her ability to pair bond is just about destroyed. She will be expecting to be dumped and treated like the piece of trash that she is.

Anyone who expects promises will be broken will not fully commit to his or her end of the agreement. The marriage unity will not be fully there. She will either cheat on you, do a half-assed effort on her part of the marriage agreement, or one day say "I'm not happy" and take your assets.

It sucks that a man is legally bound to keep his end of the marriage contract (financial), but she is not legally bound to keep her end of the marriage contract (sexual, homemaking, child rearing). Those decisions are hers alone.

