Freedom Suckers Part 1 - Wife

As any red-blooded American, I value my freedom. I like to be able to do things that I want, when I want. Unfortunately, many things take time and resources which removes that freedom.

1) Wife
2) Kids
3) Debts
4) Addictions
5) Health Issues
6) Social Commitments
7) Jobs
8) Television and electronics
9) Friends
10) Lack of ambition

I'm a bit apprehensive on how to deal with this topic, namely most of them are necessary parts of life. There are positive and negative aspects with each of these. I'm thinking I will break this up (like many of the other topics) and discuss each subject one-by-one. If any one of you want to tackle these, I would appreciate it.

1) My wife is probably the biggest commitment, but at the same time, she is probably my biggest joy in life. In a typical evening, I spend probably 2 hours or more of my undivided attention with her. That may be walks to the post office, helping with the dishes or cooking, have sex, or after we put the kids to bed and we do bills, we will read something together. On the rare occasion, we may butt heads in some random argument, but for the most part, we enjoy time together.

As far as being a freedom sucker, she really can be at times. She does not like camping, which is one of my favorite weekend things to do. For that, I have learned to just not take her along. She will stay at home with the littlest ones, and I will go with the older kids. Don't let her keep you at home just because she wants you there (within reason). I have found that being p-whipped and just saying "yes dear" does no good in the long run. If you are planning something, and she comes up with "I thought we were going to sauce the apples this weekend", work around your plans, and come up with a compromise. Cancelling your plans on a whim of hers is a bad idea, but you shouldn't ignore her either. Maintain your frame and your manhood, but don't be so rigid that she feels left out either.

Occasionally, emergencies may come up, but her lack of communication prior to your making plans is not an emergency. If you want to do something with the guys, plan and communicate ahead and you will have more ammo in case she wants to argue about it.

