Memorial Day is a U.S. holiday originating in the aftermath of the War Between the States.
Three years after the close of the War an organization of Union army veterans established Decoration Day on May 30th as a time to decorate the graves of that conflict's fallen with flowers.
The first large observance was held that year in 1868 at Arlington National Cemetary.
While the federal holiday finds its official beginnings in this event local observances had already been taking place.
Similar observances in former Confederate states competed with Decoration day for a time but by the end of the 19th century May 30th was standardized across the country.
After the First World War Decoration Day was expanded to honor the fallen in all wars.
In 1971 Congress established Memorial Day on the last Monday of May though it is still called Decoration Day by many.
Please see the reference used for this article for a more extensive treatment of Memorial Day:
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