Roosh Hour #42 Review ~ by Ransom

One of our esteemed commenters recently asked if anyone had seen the Roosh Hour episode #42 and if so what we thought about it.

No-one had so I decided to take a crack at it.  My response was too long for a mere comment so I decided to make an article of it.

This is my review.


Roosh's main point is that the Coronavirus pandemic is a managed process the elite are using to move into the next stage of globalism.

The episode may be found here:

The core of the episode starts at 1:53:30 and goes to 3:37:30.

Roosh's PDF notes to which I refer may be found here:


Roosh begins by addressing several theories about the Coronavirus pandemic and rebuts each in turn.  My own response follows his.

Coronavirus is a purely spontaneous event
that our political leaders must respond to
quickly and forcefully to save millions of lives
so that we can all go back to our secular
lifestyles of individual freedom and
We’re seeing an astonishing rise of state
authoritarianism and power based on lies,
bogus models, and hysterical media reporting
to save lives the oligarchs don’t even care

My response:

Yes, we are seeing a rise in state authoritarianism.  Yes, the oligarchs don't care about the lives they are purporting to protect.

However institutions are not purely extensions of their masters.

We humans tend towards a platonic view of the world.  We start with ideas and then fit or sculpt the physical world into those ideas.  It's how our brains work.

In practice the physical world only poorly corresponds to our concepts.  That correspondence relies on engineering, maintainance, and our own gullibility.  These bring other properties along with them.

Take a coffee mug for example.  It fits our mental model of a vessel for hot liquids.  It isn't exclusively that.  Of necessity it has physical mass due to its construction.  That wasn't part of the concept.  Its thermal mass makes it suitable for holding coffee but that is just the means & most people have no idea what thermal mass is anyhow.  If the mug is ceramic it is glazed.  Its construction relies on an industry that results from ongoing human activity since before history.

The coffee mug doesn't even have to be a coffee mug.  Turn it upside down and it may be used as a smartphone stand.  Hold it right and you can use it in a bar fight.  Its "coffee mugness" is a just a concept that we overlay onto a lump of matter that has been organized to suit that concept.

So it is with institutions.  They are ongoing engines of activity that are set up to receive & process energy in certain ways.  Most are or were set up towards defined goals but the natures of their component parts & environments result in behavior, infrastructure, and limitations outside the primary concept.

We know the oligarchs do not care about us.  Their institutions were built to process energy in certain ways and their ongoing behavior is based on flow of energy through their intentional & incidental processes.

So also with the state authoritarianism.  This behavior is the natural bent of state institutions.  It saw slower success in the past but the unusual alignment of society in response to the coronavirus has enabled these institutions to execute their natural behavior faster.

This is not to say that Roosh's problems with Theory #1 are not true; they are just not necessarily true.

Coronavirus is a mostly spontaneous event
that the oligarchs and their managers are
responding to with fear, panic, and unsound
policy, thereby increasing the possibility of
destroying their globalist system through
economic failure and social chaos.
Nations have had pandemic plans on the
books, even ones specific to coronavirus.
Implementation of a plan may have hiccups,
and politicians may appear stressed or go
off-script, but it must be assumed that
government response is methodical.

My response:

Roosh's response is reasonable but relies on the assumption that government is a single thing that acts with detached rationality.

Government is composed of people selected & retained on a basis other than merit.  These people align in various & shifting competing factions.  Each has its protocols and tempermental tendencies.

Especially in the United States the federal system results in power structure conflicts and various shennanagins attempting to resolve them.

Added to that is the fact that governments process risk selfishly just as private citizens do.  Governments attempt to offload risks into categories with less liability.

Coronavirus deaths resulting from opening a state "too soon" have a higher liability than do mental health & economic suicides from keeping the state in lockdown.  Because neither can be accurately measured it is rational for the governer to err on the side of harshness.  Not right, just rational.

Keep in mind though that the government enthusiastically boosted the fears that led to this liability environment.

In conclusion it is not necessarily true that the government response is methodical and even if it is they are just covering their butts.

As with Theory #1 Roosh's disagreement is not necessarily incorrect but it is not necessarily correct either.

Coronavirus is a spontaneous or locally
planned event that the oligarchs are striving to
resolve to resume their globalist system, but
only after using the crisis as an opportunity to
introduce a few of their important projects.
They were too quick to destroy the system
they intend to resume.

My response:

How much of their system has actually been destroyed?  It looks like they have successfully reduced competition to their system.  Most of the big corporations will ride this out and come back stronger than ever due to mom-and-pop competitors being eliminated.

A lot of this is a natural consequence of the nature of their financial systems.  Debt must grow and that suits them fine.  That is not sustainable in the long term and must be replaced by something else but that doesn't mean the destruction of the economy.

Coronavirus is a spontaneous or locally
planned event that the oligarchs will use to
transition to a new stage of globalism that
involves greatly reduced levels of freedom and
Existing form of globalism seems to be
working so well in controlling the world

Roosh goes on to say that this isn't actually a problem.  Globalism has been facing real headwinds over the last several years as people push back.

Are the oligarchs ready to move onto a new
stage of globalism?

Two possible answers:

Then... secular and commercial freedom will return with
annoying but minor restraints (masks, social
distancing) that most citizens won’t care too much
Signs of confirmation:
-Urgency to return to normal among the elite
-Hast to end quarantines
-Heavily promoted media stories of those suffering
depression or suicide from quaranatine / social
Then... permanent authoritarianism and heavy
Signs of confirmation:
-Strict quarantine that seems neverending
-Impossible to achieve “flatten the curve” goals to end
social distancing measures
-Grooming of public to get used to “new normal”
-Calls for UBI instead of return to economic activity
-No lamentation from elites on destruction of travel
industry and others, or even “capitalism”

My response:

According to Roosh the indications of "no" are absent (but keep in mind the livestream was from April 4th 2020).  He leans towards "yes".

One of his arguments is that countries shut down after experiencing few infections and fewer deaths.  He makes the comparison of shutting down after a bombing.  That is in error though because bombs don't spread.  The shutdowns were justified not because of where the infections were but because of where they could go.

Once the quarantines started started though the liability risk of lifting them goes up.

The other indications look more-or-less positive a month after the livestream.  States are implementing various methods of staged reopening but there is not guarantee they won't pull back from that in the future.

This is a carefully
orchestrated technocratic
worldwide revolution to
usher in the next stage of
globalism using
coronavirus as the pretext...
...or this is a live test to
implement essential
societal changes before the
real worldwide revolution
occurs in the near future.

I could buy either of these interpretations.  The bad guys could have had a game plan adaptable to many pretexts.  Enough goes on in the world that a viable cover story comes along fairly often.

Time will tell.

If this is so what will happen?

What would have to proceed?
-20-50% permanent destruction of economy -> severe poverty
-Trauma-based social control -> mass hysteria/fear
-Revolts (real or false flag)
-Military involvement and/or militarized police
-Indefinite detention, new camps for “domestic threats”
-Use of criminals as shock troops
-More aggressive surveillance and censorship
-Vaccination, certificates, and chips needed to buy, sell, or work
-Digital currency
-Severe gun restrictions or confiscations
-Christian persecution
-Brave “new” society in the name of saving lives
But why?
-Previous ‘open society’ was merely a
transition stage
-Predictive models showed successful
populist uprisings in the near future
-Depopulation control wasn’t reaching goals
Near-term confirmation triggers
-Rolling internet outages
-Military vehicles patrolling neighborhood
-Temporary local bans on paper currency


All in all I am skeptical of Roosh's interpretation of what these events mean but I can't dismiss them either.

I'm a Christian.  I believe in the existence of a spiritual world containing good and evil players.  I believe they take an interest in our affairs.

I also believe in the existence of evil humans who want to rule the world.

What I do not believe is that evil beings -- human and otherwise -- possess exceptional intelligence and coordination.

There are plenty of people who would like to fill the role of oligarchs as Roosh appears to view them, but that doesn't mean they are able to pull it off.

Evil people fight with each other for supremacy.  Evil behavior leads to a degredation in performance.  This isn't to say that evil actors in the spiritual realm will not provide coordination and aide.

In my personal opinion we act innocently when we view great evil as paired with great intelligence.  Evil is often expressed in pettiness.  On the spiritual level evil does march towards a goal but it is pleased to commit senseless acts of vandalism along the way.

What is going on here in 2020?  I can't say.  I don't think Roosh is wholey on the money; in my experience most of these kind of theories make good sense but do not come to pass.  Are they unfounded?  Are they defeated along the way?  I can't say.

I can say that evil is being done today.  Whether it is 'evil' or 'Evil' remains to be seen (if there is even any difference between the two).

Ultimately the state of perfect understanding is overrated.  We know right from wrong and have the responsibility to act on it.  We're not the generals on this battlefield and should refrain from trying to shoulder the burdens of generals.  Doing good has a strange way of working out.

Maybe Roosh would have a clearer view of what is going on if he hadn't committed the evil of banning people FOR NO REASON.

Keep your powder dry and exercise discernment.  This pandemic response will jack up a lot of things for a while.

