Marks of a Unicorn, Part 4 - Health

Jennifer Beals from "Flashdance"

Health is very important in the woman you want to spend your life with. Beyond looks, there is the ability to go out and have fun, the reduction of medical costs, and the longevity of her hot years.

Granted, we all can improve our health somewhat. The young women out there are mostly healthy, and it is tougher to pick out the ones who will be healthy for years to come from those who are waiting for you to put a ring on it so she can pull the pin on the fat grenade. Keep an eye on her habits that will translate into keeping the wall at bay for as long as possible.

1) Look for genuine athletic hobbies. She may be into basketball and loves the competition, but look for those activities that she can do on her own. Does she genuinely enjoy going on hikes or swimming, or is she putting on a show for you? If she genuinely enjoys active behaviors, you have a keeper. My neighbor when I was growing up walked a two mile round trip by our house every day. She is about 95 now, and still walks around fine, although she stopped the daily walks. I doubt she would have been around as long if she didn't.

2) Look at what she likes to eat. She may get away with going to restaurants and fast food joints in her twenties, but she won't later on.  See if she can cook a decent meal, and if she is conscious about the ingredients she uses.

Awhile back, my wife's rather round sister-in-law stayed at our house for about a week. At the time, she cooked, and we noticed the sour cream and cheese disappeared. She cooks very tasty food, but at what cost? Her daughters all are the same round shape, along with my wife's brother. It is not by "muh genetics" that people get fat (mostly). It is what they eat. Funny thing is, if you get used to healthy food, the more fattening foods become less appetizing.

3) Look at her parents. Genetics do have real effects on people. Sure, people can do things to overcome the obesity epidemic, but look at muscle tone, propensity to addiction, and health related habits. You look at her mom, and you are more than likely looking at your wife in 30 years.

4) Take note of any addiction problems she has. Is she addicted to Diet Coke, the morning latte, cigarettes, drugs, or excessive booze? She will age much, much faster than if she doesn't have those issues. No meth either.

5) Keep note of her day-to-day activities. Does she climb the stairs, or take the elevator for only one or 2 flights or stairs, does she watch excessive TV, or other sedentary activity? Etc. Will she jump up to do something, or ask you or someone else to get her a drink of water? Looking at that shows a lot about her basic metabolic rate.

6) Be wary of medical issues. As cold as it sounds, if you are dating someone with heart issues, cancer, numerous allergies, or any other long term problems, you are taking upon yourself a huge burden. My hear goes out to some women I know with problems that are above their control. Doesn't mean I would want to bear that burden though. The costs and restricted freedom cannot be overcome.


My wife was probably a 6 in college. She was healthy, although a little on the tall and lanky side of things.  There are better looking women out there, but one thing she did have going for her was her health consciousness. 20 years later at 41, she has some issues with her knees, but is still fairly healthy otherwise. Scoring her with the other women in her age group, I would give her a 7 now. Most women I see in their 40's are way overweight, or frail and skinny. It is a rare woman that can maintain a healthy muscle tone, without going fat. Watch those habits.

