49. If you perspire, wear an undershirt.
Nobody likes the stinky BO guy. This goes for other hygiene traits.
Recently, I've been doing this thing where I cut down my shower time to as short as I can. I learned to go as cold as I comfortably can (coincidence?). That way, I can take one or possibly two showers each day (depending on my activity that day) without the high water bill or getting itchy skin on my back. Shower regularly, people.
Change undergarments daily (socks, shoes, underwear), more if you are doing things that create the need. Trade between two pairs of shoes so they have a day to air out. Keep hair relatively short. Pit stick, cologne, brush teeth, floss, comb hair. If you have questions, look up artofmanliness for guidance.
While I don't think you need to go all out and get manicures and your body hair waxed, put some effort in so you can smell pleasant for your wife when he goes down on you. Who knows, maybe she will return the favor and shave her body hair and clean up more. Even if you live by yourself and have nobody to impress, good hygiene will help you feel better, and better about yourself. Don't be a neck-beard.
Even if you are single, good hygiene goes a long was in being healthy and feeling better about yourself. Be proactive before people tell you that you stink.
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