Now that I'm the primary wordsmith here it's probably time for a formal introduction.
I am in my mid-thirties, married, and a resident of the California Coast. I am an engineer. I like reading. I am probably one of the least interesting people you have ever encountered. I've never even been drunk.
Surprisingly for someone in this corner of the internet I am not particularly red-pilled. Sure I've read about it, I've seen it happen, but it just doesn't feel like the complete story yet.
Perhaps that has something to do with my own marriage.
My wife and I have been married for the better part of a decade. We were engaged for a few years, dated extensively before our engagement, and were friends before that. Neither of us have ever been with anyone else. We were each other's first hand-holding, first kiss, first everything. Heck, we were virgins on our wedding night.
I have a few guesses as to why we have been so successful so far but I'll admit it is somewhat speculative.
First is our religious background. We were both raised in Evangelical Christianity since birth. We met when my family switched to her church. I don't need to tell you that many kids fall away from this background, often explosively, but it worked for us and continues to work for us.
Second is our families. Neither set of our parents have been divorced. Our extended families have a single divorce each which we got to watch. We were raised in an immediate culture that assumed and upheld long-term commitment.
Third is my wife is a fairly level woman. She gets excited about stovetop popcorn & was mad at me for a week the first time I tasted whiskey. Chasing high thrills in the short term is not her nature so far as I've seen.
Fourth is my father-in-law. He is an old-school blue-collar working man. My wife reveres him and lowers her voice when she talks about him. I haven't quite figured out what his secrets are but I'm working on it.
Likely there are other factors I don't know about but I'm willing to admit that I got lucky. You'll notice I didn't list myself among those reasons. I'm sure I've got something but no more than many others who have had worse happen. I don't deserve this and certainly didn't earn it, but I'll take it and I'll learn what I can from it.
Like many of you I came here from RoK via AKC, which I discovered from a link on Cerno's old blog. I've been around ever since, branching out across the web and learning from what I've come across.
Most of you have more life experience than I do, but we come from different directions. I think it's a productive confluence.
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