50 Red Flags - Part 1 Not apologizing

This is the start of a new series from a list that I stole (off the internet, so it is legal). I want to discuss some things we need to look out for when vetting a girlfriend (or boyfriend) to consider for a long term relationship.

1. They never apologize for bad bad behavior.

You know the situation. Someone takes a dump on your new collectable Elvis lunchbox you were planning to show off at work. You know precisely who did it, so you go and confront her, and she starts off by saying it wasn't her. You press her on the issue, and she says, "Well, it is your fault. If you haven't been taking so long in the bathroom, I could have used it". You tell her that there is the kitchen sink, and she starts hamstering off some other lame excuse. "There were dishes in there, and it was YOUR job to fill the dishwasher (which is odd, because she stays home during the day, and they were her dishes from a late night snack)......She continues on and on, deflecting and redirecting blame on you.

Never put up with this. In all reality, she was doing it as some passive/aggressive way to get you upset. A failure to accept responsibility and apologize is a failure to improve in the future. Personally, I wouldn't want to be 90 and have my 85 year old wife take a dump in my new collectable Justin Beiber lunchbox....well then, maybe I would. 


