The Motivation Booster Workout
At WB Fitness we follow a strict workout and diet routine. It is designed to be brutal but efficient in making you lean, cut and looking good. We adhere to this regimen to achieve the results we desire, but everyone who spends time in the gym knows all about that day where you make it to the gym, but your mind isnt here. The music isnt working. You’re dreading that next lift. So what do you do? You’re already there, so dont waste the time. Today I’ll talk about a fun thing you can do to get your head right, get some reps in, and get back on track.
Get Out of the Funk
As I said above, we’ve all been there. Last Thursday, I was there. I was looking at my workout app and realized my head wasnt there. My mind muscle connection was off for some reason. Doing the same thing week in and week out can be a drag on your brain sometimes. I stopped midway through my workout, did a walk around the gym, and told myself that I wasn’t going to waste my time today. Thursday back/bi day so I decided I was going to do something different than my prescribed sets. I was going to go all out on the gauntlet.
The Plan
I went over to the dumbbell rack and grabbed two 15 lb dumbbells. I said “Okay motherfucker, 500 it is” and started doing sets of 50. Its light enough to get those high reps but as most of you know, 500 reps of anything will kick your ass. I powered through it and was totally aligned with my muscles and workout. This break in routine got me going and the next day, I was ready to kill it on the regular routine. Just like everything else in life, I changed one little thing, and it fixed it all.
Next time you’re in the gym, but stuck in a rut mentally. Stop, think about what muscles you’re trying to work, and do the 500 rep challenge.
Biceps? Do 500 curls
Tris? 500 Kickbacks
Back/Lats? 500 pullups or lat pulldowns
You get the idea.
Dont waste the trip to the gym, get your muscles and head on straight.
Trust The Process
-J. Nyx
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