This post isn't a discussion. This post is a question.
How do you maintain frame when nothing is going on or needs to be done?
The person who sets the agenda sets the frame. Frame is the product of action.
"We're doing this." "I'm getting that done." "Please hand me the thing."
That is all well and good when things are happening or are about to happen. It is not so good during downtime. Sometimes nothing needs to be done.
There is always an unlimited number of things that could be done but when we're busy they fade into the background. The task at hand occupies everything. Inactivity however is a null -- all the things that could be done are still there, and why aren't we doing them?
Sometimes nothing needs to be done and that's the way it should be. At those times how do I avoid being the 'no' guy? How do I prevent this time from being defined by all the things she wants to do?
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