Rules From Rollo #17 - Birth Control


17. - Never allow a woman to be in control of the birth. It’s called birth control because someone is "controlling" the birth. There are presently 41 different types of contraception available for women, for men there are only 2 – vasectomy or a condom – your only line of defense against her "choice," the only thing separating a man from a lifetime (not just 18 years) of interacting with the decider of altering the course of his life is a thin layer of latex. Always have protection. I’ve had far too many guys hit me with the argument that they implicitly trust their girlfriends to be on the pill or whatever, and that she “doesn’t want kids” only to be an unprepared Daddy nine months later after "the accident." The only accident they had was not being in control of the birth themselves. In fact I’d argue that men need to use extra caution when in an LTR since the ease of getting too relaxed with her is present. Accidental pregnancy is practically a cottage industry now. For a woman without education (or even with) and without means, an "unplanned" pregnancy may be a pretty good prospect, especially when every law and social expectation weighs in her favor. ...This isn’t a scientific problem, it’s a cultural one. Mothers want to be Mothers. Men are only Fathers when a woman decides this for him even in the happiest of marriages. I think (hope) we’ll see a second sexual revolution once a male form of hormonal contraception is tested and available, but you can bet d*cks to donuts that every interested party from the religious to the feminist will fight this method’s release to the public at large and come up with every sort of veiled explanation for its demonization in order to put the agency of birth control exclusively into men’s control. I sincerely doubt men will "forget to take it" or have their "accidents" in the numbers women do.18)” Is the woman who applies make up every day ‘being herself?’ How about the woman with implants, is she ‘being herself?’ What about the woman wearing high heels because it boosts her height 4 inches? Is the girl you see in nothing but party pics on FaceBook ‘being herself?’ Lets turn it the other way, what of the woman wearing a business suit that emphasizes her shoulders with pads in the jacket -- is she ‘being herself?’ If she colors her hair does this make her less genuine? If being ourselves is an idealized state then I should reasonably be able to expect a like-minded fitness model to be attracted to me even if my greatest passion is to sit on my couch, eat a large pizza and wash it down with a 6 pack of Michelob while watching Monday Night Football, right? After all, I am just being myself – it’s who I am.” – The Rational Male 


I find it interesting that after the advent of birth control, there are more little bastards running around than ever. You would think that we as a society would be able to control this. The funny thing is, women have been using birth control as an opportunity  to practice immoral behavior.

More important than birth control, IMO is standardizing DNA tests for all new mothers. If women knew that the paternity of the child was tested before the man signs the birth certificate, they would be far more likely to control themselves in the bedroom. Beta bucks guy would not be a chump nearly as often. Studies say about 4% of families have cuckold fathers overall, where about 30% of DNA tests that are done if the father suspects foul play show the child has a different father. 

Point being, women are untrustworthy of using birth control. As a man, you can either get a vasectomy, wear a condom, or run the risk of her lying to you. Given the number of unwed mothers out there, this is not a good idea. Another option is to hold off sex until marriage and you two agree that the time is right. 

