Toxic Feminity


We have hear about more than our share of "Toxic Masculinity". I thought I would do the other side of the coin, and look at "Toxic Femininity". First thing in writing this, I got out my trusty Google search engine, and the first search I found was "refers to the gender expectations that keep women subservient, quiet, and submissive to men's domination and aggression". Obviously, this is not toxic behavior in any way. A subservient, quiet, and submissive woman is very attractive. A woman that behaves this way will have a quieter home, with less strife, and the man of the home will not have to be so aggressive to keep the natural order of things. 

A far more dependable (not PC) source of the definition of "Toxic Femininity" is from Urban Dictionary:

 A social science term that describes narrow repressive type of ideas about the female gender role, that defines femininity as exaggerated feminine traits like being sensitive, emotional, having a perfect appearance, and so forth.

One can be feminine without being toxic.

Some beliefs of toxic femininity are:

- Putting your hands on, abusing, and physically assaulting men and then using your "woman card" to get out of being hit back or getting in trouble.

- Body shaming (e.g. who's butt is bigger, who's ugly, who's fat, who's too skinny, etc.).

- Giving people sex and affection in return for money ("Gold Digger").

- Prioritizing your appearance above everything else in your life.

- Jealousy towards other women

Exaggerated Trait 1 - Overly Sensitive or Emotional

We all have been around women who cry a lot. My mom was one of them. She would bawl about this and that, and my dad would step in and say "there there, it will be alright" and then man up and take care of matters for her. Personally I had a lot of respect for my dad for stepping up, but over time, I got the feeling that she would cry crocodile tears to get her way many times. 

Women, if you are doing this to get your way, this is toxic behavior, and guys will run. Guys, if you see this, run! Don't subjugate yourself to a life of servitude out of some feeling of honor or duty. There is no honor in being a chump.  

Exaggerated Trait 2 - Looks

Now there is nothing wrong with a woman going out of her way to look good. However, there comes a point that it becomes overemphasized to become a distraction, or makes a woman look worse. For instance, the extreme butt or boob jobs which make a woman look fake, or not attractive. Despite what the media says, Kim Kardashian's butt does not look good. Other extreme plastic surgery does not look good either for the most part. We do not like the fake face surgery that looks creepy. 

Makeup is also often excessively overdone, shaved then painted on eyebrows, fake eyelashes, heavy pancake makeup typically looks horrible, and will look horrible at the end of the day. 

Women who spend 1/2 hour or more in the bathroom mirror will do much, much better for themselves if they spend that 1/2 hour doing a rigorous exercise regiment in their front room floor. Do sit ups, leg extensions, other aerobics that work on your core. Also, work on your diet. Learn to cook and reduce the fat and sugar. 

And please, no short haircuts, no tattoos, no piercings other than the simple earrings. Stay away from the modern fads that scream toxicity. Wear simple, light feminine clothes. 

Toxic Behavior 1 - Behaving violent then crying "Victim"

I can promise you, I have been punched, slapped, kicked, and cussed at by women far, far more than by men. Every man can say the same thing. This is because women have no consequences for such behavior unless it really gets out of hand.   If a guy behaves like that, a crowd of white knights are sure to step in, or the white knight legal system will put the guy in jail and scoff at any accusations toward women. 
While this is more of a problem with society as a whole, please women, don't use these unfair attitudes towards men. They have little recourse and will put up with it. That is, until, he decides not to and snaps. It is a rare woman that can take on a man in a full on fight, just remember they are holding back because of societal expectations. You women that are working to remove those expectations are typically the ones that need them most as you will be the first to get knocked out. 

Toxic Behavior 2 - Body Shaming 

Personally, I don't think body shaming is too bad, unless it gets to an aggressive bullying situation. The fat kid may get picked on, but doing so teaches others to not become fat. Far more toxic, IMO, is the "body positivity" movement. A woman now of days seems to flaunt her fat and purposefully display her disgusting traits in order to make a statement. This is not cute, funny, or attractive. Spackle that crack, and have some decency. You are not empowering yourself when you finish off your third cheeseburger.
What I have also seen is fatties shaming women or others working to stay in shape. Guys are called "Gym Rats". Women in shape will get the wrath of Bertha and Beatrice for being more attractive. Lots of sneaky backstabbing behavior between women.

Toxic Behavior 3 - Gold Digging

If any of you watched the Kevin Samuels Show on Youtube, you see women call in, asking how they can get a "High Value Man" (meaning makes $100 k or more). So many women are sleeping around with the wealthy men in their 20's, or being straight up prostitutes (with a cutesy "sugar baby" nickname), ruin themselves and their ability to have a good family life. Sex for money, favors, or the hopes of pulling a "Chad" and getting his money is destroying today's society. Good men are seeing behavior like this and losing interest in women. Stop it, or better yet, stay clear of the carousel, find yourself a good young man, and have a good life. There are not many millionaires out there. You women that use your body for a quick buck are selling your futures for a temporary fix.
Closely related to gold digging is money wasting. Men work hard for their money and it is insulting for a woman to ask for more and more then spend it on frivolous 

Toxic Behavior 4 - Prioritizing Looks over Everything Else

 Women who do this have a short shelf life. Traits like trustworthiness, honesty, homemaking ambition, pleasantness and fun loving are probably more important to a good young man. If all you strive to improve are your looks, your life will be shallow and meaningless, and the guys who have more going on in their lives will want nothing to do with you. 

Toxic Behavior 5 - Jealousy, Head games, Manipulation, Deceit

One final behavior associated with toxic femininity is dishonest behavior. There are so many different manifestations of this. Women are more likely to gossip, act, play people off each other, and manipulate others. 

Women have this uncanny ability to stir up drama. If you see this behavior, walk away, don't run, or they will take notice and go after you. And women, just like you tell men to "Just be yourself", do that. While men need to work a little harder to obtain attraction, women need to present themselves as loyal and trustworthy. All of these jealous head games, stirring up drama, and deceitful games scream untrustworthiness and disloyality. You women may get sex, but any man of quality will envision a life with you and walk. 


Now there are many other forms of toxic femininity out there, I only touched on the major ones. Women have always carried some biological traits which made them carry out some characteristics, but something has happened to exacerbate these traits. Modern technology has enabled women to get all sorts of attention from thousands of men everywhere. 1000 years ago, her options were down to maybe 5-10 suitors, this made reputation far more important. There was no "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" attitude. 

Also, with the expanding attention stream, a woman's sense of reality is changed. She can now get attention from much more attractive men, for the short term anyway. As women get this sexual attention, they forget the relationship attention until it becomes necessary for them. By then, it is too late. 

Modern technology and time saving devices also decreases a woman's traditional usefulness within the household. With washing machines, cooking gadgets, electricity et cetera, a modern home can be very comfortable with little effort. Consequently, women have decided to go out into the workforce and compete with men, thereby setting up an unnatural rivalry between the sexes. Instead of this situation, men and women would be better off to have the woman to refocus their efforts into the education and raising of their children. Simply having two people work for this non-stop "keeping up with the Jones's" competition does not bring happiness. The prices of the necessary things like medical and housing have been on the increase, debts incurred to pay interest for bankers and the dying generation of boomers. 

As I touched on last week, many forms of toxic masculinity stems from a lack of proper roll models. Could not the same be said about toxic femininity? It seems today we have two role models for women, the slut and the career woman. There are few examples of good, ambitious mothers or traditionally feminine women out there. Girls see their single mothers having to take on a masculine role to make ends meet, or worse see their moms using their bodies to extract resources from men. Either way, the proper example is gone.

Additionally, governments have become increasingly socialist. The bloated welfare system  (voted in by women) have replaced a man's usefulness as breadwinner for many women. Women now no longer have to behave to avoid being denied a man's income. In fact, 70 percent of the time, women are the ones filing for divorce, thereby enacting the power of the state to remove resources from the man. 


Where men are often to blame for toxic behavior in the relationship, women are the ones who have changed for the worse far more than men in recent history. Feminism, media, and modern technology all have their place in creating this new modern woman who is the embodiment of "Toxic Femininity".

New gadgets like these helped bring in toxic femininity where they neglect these chores altogether now.

