WB Archives 20180717 - Gains


GAINS can also come in Threes

We have a multitude of ways to increase workout intensity, and one of my preferred methods is the use of Triple-Sets. My body has historically responded very well to this technique and it allows for a very safe, yet highly intense workout for 4-6 week cycles. Today, I would like to share with you some of my favorite triple-set combinations.


– Increase your water intake throughout the workout.

– Rest as needed in between each set, then repeat for a total of 5-6 sets.

– Some of these combinations may need to be modified based on the layout of your gym.

– Make sure to really focus on the (squeeze portion) of the movement on the (last exercise) in your triple-set.

– Forearms are not trained directly during these cycles, as they receive a tremendous amount of spill-over stress from the back and bicep workouts.

– If performed correctly, you may only be able to train one bodypart per day, but as you acclimate, you may combine up to 3 bodyparts per workout.


Here we go…

CHEST: Incline Dumbbell Press, immediately followed by Barbell Flat Flat Press, immediately followed by Cable Cross-Overs.

BACK: Wide Grip Pulldowns, immediately followed by Seated Low Rows, immediately followed by the Angled Back Row Machine.

DELTS: Seated Up & Over (to the front and to the back) Barbell Press, immediately followed by standing Dumbbell Lateral Raises immediately followed by the Rear Delt/Pec Deck machine.

TRAPS: Behind the Back Barbell Shrugs, immediately followed by seated Dumbbell Shrugs, immediately followed by Close Grip Overhand Pulldowns to mid-chest (yes, on the lat pull down machine).

BICEPS: Standing Barbell Curls, immediately followed by Seated Dumbbell Alternating Curls, immediately followed by Seated Machine Preacher Curls.

TRICEPS: Close-Grip Bench Press, immediately followed by Rope Cable Pushdowns, immediately followed by turning around with the rope and bending over slightly and performing Overhead Rope Extensions.

QUADS: Hack Squats, immediately followed by Walking Lunges, immediately followed by Seated Leg Extensions.

HAMSTRINGS: Standing one leg at a time Leg Curls on machine, immediately followed by Laying leg Curls on machine, immediately followed by Stiff-Leg Deadlifts.

CALVES: Standing Calf Raises, immediately followed by Calf Presses on Leg Pess Machine, immediately followed by Seated Calf Raises.

ABS: Cable Rope Crunches, immediately followed by Roman Chair Leg Raises, immediately followed by Scissor Kicks on floor.


If you’re looking for a new way to increase your workout intensity, give these triple-set combinations a try. You won’t be disappointed!

