WB Archives 20180723 Keeping it Fresh


Keeping It Fresh

First, I want to thank anyone who came over from AKC who still reads my posts.   Now that that is out of the way, lets get down to business.  Last week I realized that I was doing something that a lot of guys tend to do when on a lifting program.   I was doing the prescribed routine, and obviously things like super sets are designed to pair certain lifts together, but I realized that with all the volume in our programs, by the time you’re on the last super set, or regular set for that matter, you’re tired and exhausted.  Obviously skipping lifts is out of the question, so what can you do to get those accessory lifts in after your muscles are REKT?


Get to this face on all your lifts, not just a few

The answer isn’t so difficult and falls in line with something all bodybuilders know is true; you have to switch things up.  If you’re on a program where you’re working biceps, and you’re doing a sets of preacher curls, then concentration curls, then incline alternate curls, then Zottman curls, by the last lifts, your arms are going to be screaming.  This is the desired result, but it doesn’t hurt to try something different.  Next time you’re in the gym, try the sets reversed.  In our example above, do the Zottman curls first, then incline alternate, then concentration curls etc.  Going into the other lifts fresher can help, as you may be able to increase the weight, number of reps, do negatives etc.  Once again, there are some lifts that are done in a specific order.  I was just talking to WB about doing Triceps and Chest in the same day.  I though he was crazy when he first told me this, as most people I’ve known all do biceps on chest day, but it makes sense.  You’re using your triceps a lot when working chest, so blasting them in a controlled way makes sense.  For others, especially very specific isolation lifts, you can play around a bit and switch up the order.

Let me know if you try this out this week at the gym and how it helps.  Personally for me, I was able to add 5lbs to my concentration curls by doing them earlier in my workout.


Also, if you guys haven’t yet, I’ll be promoting the site and posting stuff on Instagram.  Add me @jnyx_wbfitness


Trust The Process,


-J. Nyx

