13. Why do you feel like it’s OK to harass women or make offensive comments about women but when somebody does it to your sister it’s not OK?
The sexual marketplace isn't just a term; it refers to a real marketplace. In a marketplace transactions occur when buyers make offers that meet the sellers' minimum price. The SMP does not deal in commodities; there is no "spot price" that buyers and sellers must take. All transactions are sufficiently unique that the price must be discovered for each one.
The marketplace being what it is men conduct the bulk of price discovery. In the past offers were sufficiently inexpensive that men could make them indiscriminately, often non-seriously, so long as a woman was on the market. Social conventions made it reasonably clear who was on or off the market and proscribed punishment for men who made offers to off-market women.
Feminist women of today have now decided that price discovery by men they deem undesirable is an offense. Combined with the fact that a man can discover his desirability only by making an offer this becomes a disaster. This punishment married to lack of transparency in the marketplace disincentivizes all but the highest-tier men from participating.
...which is "mission accomplished" for hypergamy but no way to run a civilization.
Looking at it from a different perspective provides an interesting insight into women. This punishment + opacity limits marketplace participation to men who are not just physically & materially desirable but who also "get it." Women's perpetual expectation for men to read their minds is suboptimal from a man's perspective but does reveal a woman's instinctual desire to be mastered as only a man who can out-think her will meet her requirements.
As far as why we have higher standards for how our sisters are treated, that should be obvious to anyone with a functional family but this is a feminist here so I'll take a shot.
The happenings in a man's family affects him more than the happenings in someone else's family. Assuming he cares about his sister he will attempt to interfere with the marketplace in what he perceives as her long-term interest. There is no world where everyone is weighed in the same scale without regard to relationship.
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