15. Why do you have to sit with your legs so wide open?
Feminists: Why do you have to sit with your legs so wide open?
Also feminists: I can sit with my legs wide open if I want to!
The construction of the question contains an unstated assumption that a single true leg-width standard exists and it is men who are deviating from it. Wrong on both counts.
Men sit with their legs apart for two reasons: first, it is more comfortable for male biomechanics; second, occupying space signals status.
Women sit with their legs together for two reasons: first, it is more comfortable for female biomechanics; second, despite your protestations to the contrary displaying the goods definitely means displaying the goods.
The modren woman has discovered the utility of ambiguous messaging. Ambiguous messaging allows women to send sexual signals with deniability so she can claim she was or wasn't sending those signals depending on the guy she attracts -- and then put the burden on him by backdating whichever message matches her perception of his desirability.
The "topfreedom" movement is an example of this. The successful war on monogamy means that women have to escalate in their competition for the decreasing number of desirable men. Barebreastedness signals among other things sexual availability with high time preference, just the ticket for roping in those Chads. Falsely framing it as an issue of equality gives women narrative deniability to punish any man who doesn't meet their standards. As discussed in the answer to Question 13, those who do just "get it."
Bringing this back to male spreading, when the feminist asks "Why do you have to sit with your legs so wide open?" what she is really asking is "How dare you behave as if you have higher status than I have assigned to you! Reality is what I say it is. Submit to my frame!"
After all, no feminist would ask this question of a man she desired.
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