One of our primary purposes we are put here on Earth is to learn. As we gain more knowledge, we grow and come closer to filling our divine destiny.
1) Public Schools
We are all familiar with the standard brick and Mordor schools most of us were forced to go to when we were young. This is one section that I need to deviate from the church manual (1976) that I am paraphrasing in this series. The manual states that we need to go to school, respect our teachers, and listen to what they have to say. Today, public schools have been hijacked by the left. We have "teachers" who do not respect the kids and will fill their heads with propaganda and socialist mush. If your children go to public school, stay on top of the subjects they are teaching. Pay attention to History and Science classes especially for socialist rhetoric they are forcing onto your kids. If you are able, pull your kids out of school at least until they are in High School and have been taught to think for themselves.
As leftist as colleges are, you would think it would be changing a child's political beliefs. Surprisingly, that does not happen in colleges. By then, the individual already have decided on their political beliefs and will be subjected to nothing but confirmation bias on either their already leftist point of view, or their view that leftists are a bunch of loony socialists and SJWs. The fact of the matter is children develop their view younger, much younger. Elementary School is where the kids are still impressionable and develop their core beliefs. If you homeschool them at this age, your wife will be in an excellent position to help them see the world as it is. On a side note, as your wife is the primary caretaker when the kids are little, it would behoove you to see that you two are politically similar, or you will eventually be living in a house surrounded by a wife and kids who hate your politics.
2) Church
More important than public schools is Church, where a child's individual set of morals and ethics is taught in a textbook style of learning. I grew up outside of any church. My parents are good people, and have strong ethics. While they were able to directly teach my brothers and sister ethics through example, they had nothing solid for us to see clearly right and wrong. That is where church comes in. It gives us that North Star we can look to for guidance. We can look to the Bible and Ten Commandments and say that this is right or wrong. With two generations time, I have nieces and nephews who are struggling, either with drugs, or questioning if they are male and/or female. It is really sad that people do not have that guidance to keep them living a happy lifestyle.
3) Home
Perhaps most important is the classroom called home. The home is where children spend most of their time, especially in their youngest and most impressionable years.
Despite all new inventions and modern designs, fads and fetishes, no one has yet invented, or will ever invent, a satisfying substitute for one's own family. - Stuart Rosenberg
It is at the home where we develop our core ethical values. It is where we take the things from Church and apply them. We learn virtues such as honesty, modesty, honor, courage, and love from those around us. It is at home that we learn how to exercise faith, how to deal with temptations. It is that sanctuary where we can mess up and receive forgiveness, rather than the cold justice or inhumane treatment set out by society.
Young children are impressionable, for good or for bad. Of course, there are rebels, but for the most part, a child will follow the ways that he was taught. Do your best that they are taught right
Talk to you children about their schooling. Ask them who their teachers are, their favorite subjects, anywhere they are struggling. Encourage them to invite over some classmates.
Read the scriptures as a family. See that you all are going to church. Encourage your family to participate in ecclesiastical activities within your religion.
Teach your children something. Make a battery by sticking a penny in a potato on one side and a paperclip on the other and noting the voltage between them and sketch out the chemical process, or go out to the country with a big beach ball and other objects and make a scale model of the solar system. (guaranteed you will be surprised at the vastness of empty space within our solar system)
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