Elsewhere: Conservative NPCs ~ by Ransom


Brian Niemeier made a recent post titled "Conservative NPCs" that examines the origin of the NPC meme and how its use has changed over the last two years, mostly in the hands of Conservative NPCs.

He then provides an overview of how mainstream Conservatism is a botnet of NPCs that is guided by handlers to deliberate ineffectuality.

This does not provide groundbreaking information.  It does provide history and a succinct overview of how masses of people are voluntarily controlled.  The real punch for me is his acknowledgement that most people are NPCs and that's not inherently wrong.  People can be NPCs for good as well as for evil; we just live in a time where the default institutions have all been coopted by enemies.  Instead of trying to change people, work with the natural strengths of this system and put effort into programming NPCs for good.

I recommend reading the article. The change in perspective may be as valuable for you as it is was for me. And it's short.

The comments have some good content as well.

