"Just be Yourself"


18)” Is the woman who applies make up every day ‘being herself?’ How about the woman with implants, is she ‘being herself?’ What about the woman wearing high heels because it boosts her height 4 inches? Is the girl you see in nothing but party pics on FaceBook ‘being herself?’ Lets turn it the other way, what of the woman wearing a business suit that emphasizes her shoulders with pads in the jacket -- is she ‘being herself?’ If she colors her hair does this make her less genuine? If being ourselves is an idealized state then I should reasonably be able to expect a like-minded fitness model to be attracted to me even if my greatest passion is to sit on my couch, eat a large pizza and wash it down with a 6 pack of Michelob while watching Monday Night Football, right? After all, I am just being myself – it’s who I am.” – The Rational Male

"Just be yourself" is one of those things people tell others when they want their competition to let their guard down and leave themselves vulnerable. If you are at war, you would love for your enemy to "Just be yourself" and come at you with nothing more then rocks and sticks when you have ICBM's, an arsenal of weaponized drones and a plethora of automatic weapons. Of course women would want men to drop their pretenses, and be themselves. They have no desire to do it themselves, but it would put them at an advantage in the sexual marketplace. 

If you want better advice, become someone better. Sure, you can do like women and put on a thinly veiled mask to hide who you are long enough to do the deed. But, if you want to get into a serious relationship, you have to go away from renting a Ferrari and tuxedo for a night on the town, (essentially what women do with makeup) picking up chicks, to putting yourself on a path to excellence. 

