It wasn't my family, but I was good friends with these two brothers who passed this girl between them. Kind of weird, IMO. Eventually that girl disappeared into the ether, but for awhile, while the second brother was dating her, it caused quite a rift there. Also, if you get involved with a woman who has a questionable reputation, she will be seen as the black sheep of the family for some time. My wife (all LDS family) has a brother who married this woman with a questionable past about 5 years ago. The kid lacked social skills, and this woman was a divorcee at the time. I suppose it was a last ditch effort. My wife and I have got along with her OK, but there still is squabbling and gossiping between some of the women in the extended family. Some women tend to feed off drama and that is not something you should bring into your family if you can help it.
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