WB Archives 20181212 - Back To School: Stripping

 Today on our refresher guide I want to talk about drop sets, or, as Arnold called it, the Stripping Method. He said, “Without stripping there is no excitement” and he is totally right.

So lets start with what the stripping method is. Stripping is basically a rack running drop set. After your working set grab a weight that you can get 6 reps with for an RPE of 9.5. Basically we want you to get as close to failure as possible without dropping the weight. Do your 6 reps and then, without a rest do 6 reps with the next weight down so on and so forth.

My favorite to do this with is seated dumbbell overhead presses. If you run the rack on those starting

Arnold loved these strip sets and once you do them you will be addicted.

where you have a perfect 9.5 RPE and, without rest doing 6 reps of every weight all the way down by the time you are at your 40% 1RM those weights will feel like boulders.

This breaking down of the muscle is fierce and can be done with any workout (though some require a spotter). Doing this with barbell curls will cause a pump in your biceps like you have never felt. If you find a spotter willing to remove weight from your bar as you bench press you will blow up your chest.

In the 2019 WB program you as going to see a lot of strip sets in every single workout. One or two lifts of every workout will contain a strip set and by April you will know why.

We are almost there guys. Things are getting closer. I will be done with the base program and diet this weekend and by the end of the year be finished with what J.Nyx calls the expansion packs which will be add ons for people with trouble spots so the WB program will be able to be customized for the individual user and the diet for individual goals. After this, J.Nyx said he will use his computer magic to turn the whole thing into an ebook and I will make it available to you guys right after. With any luck that will give us 4 weeks to study, work out details and fully understand the entire 28 week program so we can get in on February 18th with a running start and kick some fucking ass.

T-68 days and counting.

