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Even Santa Claus Needs to Put in the Effort |
Hey Fellas, I hope everybody is doing well with the Holidays approaching.
Today, will mark the first in a series entitled What Targets What. With all the conflicting information available today, there is a real need to get back to basics. Establishing a firm grasp on what exercises target what areas of the body will go a long way in terms of your physical development in this game. With that said, let’s jump right in with Legs!
– Squats (back, front, smith)… Great Mass Building Exercise: Tremendous overall exercise for quadricep, hamstring, lower back development. Back squats will provide a bit more stimulation to the glutes than any other movement, and you can place a bit more emphasis on the lower quads if you place a 2.5lb plate under each heel. Front squats place more emphasis on the lower quads. The Smith Machine allows for more controlled and targeted stimulation by allowing for more variety in foot placement.
– Leg Press… Great Mass Building Exercise: Targets the overall quadricep and hamstring, with a particular emphasis on mid thigh and hamstring. Placing the feet higher on platform and pressing through the heels will really stimulate the hamstrings and glutes.
– Hack Squat… Great Mass Building Exercise: Targets the entire quadricep and hamstring areas, with a particular emphasis on the lower quads. Foot placement makes a huge difference with this particular movement. A wide stance will emphasize the inner thigh. A mid stance with emphasize the mid thigh. Feet together stance will emphasize lower quad and the outer sweep.
– Leg Extensions… Great Warm-up or Finishing Exercise: Targets the entire quadrcep area, with particular emphasis on the lower area near the knee.
– Sissy Squats… Great Finishing Exercise: Targets the lower and mid quadriceps, along with a major stretch if done correctly.
– Single Leg Bench or Smith Machine Lunges… Great Finishing Exercise: Targets the entire quadricep area, hamstrings and glutes. Safe and controlled way to isolate these areas.
– Lying Leg Curls… Great Mass Building Exercise: Targets the entire hamstring, with a particuler emphasis on the lower/mid portion of the muscle.
– Seated Leg Curls… Great Finishing Exercise: Targets the same as lying leg curls, but with a bit more emphasis on the upper / glute tie in areas. Added benefit of the seated position allows to really finish the hamstrings off.
– Stiff Leg Deadlifts with Barbell or Dumbbells… Great Mass Building Exercise: Targets the entire hamstring, along with the glutes and lower back depending on deep or how high you go. By going deep and only coming up to approximately 45-degrees from the floor, you will keep tension on the hamstrings and glutes throughout the movement. You can also extend the entire body up and contract the glutes at the top of the movement for additional stimulation.
– Lunges…Great Mass Building or Finishing Exercise: One of the best overall leg exercises which really hit everything, but especially the hamstrings/glutes. Walking lunges to failure are an incredible way to finish a tough leg workout.
So, as you journey through this process, do so with purpose. Your workouts should be highly focused, methodical and delibrate. Always make sure to group your exercises in such a manner that you are stimulating the muscles from multiple angles; this will ensure proper development and one hell of a workout!
Merry Christmas & Keep Pumping!
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