It's good to be back. Although I was working from bed for the past 5 weeks. (First week I didn't work), It is good to be back in the office where I have a little better of a working environment, although I probably do less from here than bed.
Honestly, there is something about work that is fulfilling and good for the soul. You feel like you are a positive asset to society. If you ever noticed people who are on long term disability or unemployment, they are typically negative in their outlook in life. That is a big reason I chose to get back to work ASAP. As human beings, we are not to be sitting around being idle.
Honestly, the past 5 weeks working from bed really stunk. Believe it or not, sitting there with your feet elevated gets very sore on the back and butt. All that weight is concentrated on your butt and your back is bent. Although it was not pleasant, spiritually it is much healthier to be contributing.
My uncle worked as an accountant. He focused on setting up retirement accounts for people and working with them with their finances as they went through their savings. From when he was 40 and on, he said he worked with enough retired people to know that he never wants to retire. He said that he has seen too many people get depressed as they lose purpose in life. He worked right up untill his last few years in his 80's when he died. My parents (late 70's) are doing the same, my dad is not capable of messing with cattle anymore, but they raise goats and German Shepherds. The routine, sense of responsibility, and purpose for getting up in the morning helps us out.
I'm not saying we need to work like a slave until we die. Far from that, we can find hobbies, interests, and ease back on the throttle. But, we need to keep chugging along. If anything, become involved with grandkids or nieces and nephews. Maybe get involved in charitable groups or civic clubs. There are so many opportunities to help out in society if collecting money does not interest you anymore.
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