36 Questions from Feminists, Part 13


Is harass one word or two?

13. Why do you feel like it’s OK to harass women or make offensive comments about women but when somebody does it to your sister it’s not OK?

A. I don't want to sleep with my sister, neither do I want anyone else to unless they are committing to her. 

It is funny, this term "harassment". While I do not typically mess with women that way (especially since I got married), I have noticed that it is very much subject to whoever is getting the attention. One man who is tall, dark, and handsome can say something and get all sorts of positive feedback while someone who is short, fat, and neckbearded can say the same thing and get brought up on charges.  I suppose as a man, you need to experiment with your social status and find out what you can get away with.

Proper her-ass-mint needs to be done with subtlety. A snort and "I can smell your cunt" like in Silence of the Lambs will not only get the girl to run away scared, you may get Hannibal Lector to taunt you until you swallow your own tongue.  It is much better to make jokes or statements with double entendres, or slight use of colorful language that she will think dirty, but you will have an out and will in fact have the ability to tease her if she tries to call you out on it. 

After 18 years of marriage, I openly harass my wife, she knows my subtle jokes, but luckily the kids are oblivious to them (at least I hope they are). She likes the inside "wink" jokes.  

